Tuesday 25 May 2010

Weigh In Today

Well, completed my first week on SW Plan. Going to be weighed tonight. Don't feel like I've lost any weight. lol. Bit worried as I have eaten LOADS of chicken, and cos of heat/laziness - I've been buying ready cooked chickens from Supermarkets. I have now read on a SW Forum that they are 31 syns each !!! aaaarrrggghhhh. Have messaged my consultant to find out for me cos she is not sure either. Apparently, according to this particular forum, supermarkets inject their rotisserie chickens with a sucrose solution and oil to keep them moist.
I've also drunk loads more fluids than normal cos of heat. I actually feel quite bloated.
Well, time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh! me too, I didnt realise that about the chickens either!

    I have bad fluid retention right now from the heat, so not holding my breath on the loss front tonight.

    Good Luck, keep us posted on how you get on xox
